Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Boycott issue - I've been attacked in Facebook

On November 16th, 2012.. i posted a status in my facebook wall :

"Celebrating Nestle 100 years???? Go to HELL!!"

It's a simple status, just to express out my feeling and depression of what was happening in Palestine and Israeli occupation in the land. By the time i posted it, i knew that i might receive a lot of negative and positive comments from fellow friends. So i just get myself ready and firm. I didn't ask people to follow what i believe, i was just sharing my thought. Nothing to be scared of.

Just within a day, i received few comments and the dominant was 'negative'. Most of them were giving so many excuses in supporting this issue :
1. "milo nestle, kene boikotlah milo"
2. "Tp best milo"
3. " bab boikot memboikot ni dah berpuluh tahun kot rakyat msia cuba, Takde effect pon. Kalau ada pon miniscule je, very insignificant."
4. "Protests or holding up banners mcm org umno suke buat tu pon takde maknanya"
5. "We need the UN to take action, impose sanctions or something"
6. "Stopping the war is better than fighting it"
7. "We need the world leaders to voice up and once and for all, tell them to STOP IT"

All those excuses...honestly just telling me one thing, FOOLISHNESS!
Here is my answer to them which i think good to share with others who are not in my facebook friend list :

Yup true. People were talking about boycotting Israeli products since tens year ago. But we can’t see any difference. Instead they’re getting stronger and even more violent. We did ask for the world leaders to help stopping it through the Arab League, the OIC, and even street protests. This has been done for many years.. Unfortunately it was just like barking at statue. They won’t do anything and I bet they’re laughing behind us. Because of these, we’re now losing our confident in any action and just put a big hope on others to help and solve the problem while we just keep throwing the ideas and thoughts..

At the time I published this post, I will be expecting to receive opposition, dissent and expressions of discomfort from some of you. My fellow friends, I won’t blame you for that. I was like you until one man came into my life and changes my perception, helps me to build confidence in what i know and believe. When he told me that he and his family have been boycotting Israeli products, restaurants and anything that contributes to Israel, I quickly warned him. “I'm not like you. I didn’t grow up in that lifestyle. I feel pity and sympathy to those in Palestine but it doesn’t mean that I should boycott McDonalds or Milo or anything that I have used over the years. It’s ridiculous! Between, berapa sen je yang kurang kalau kita je yang boycott. Tak terjejas pun..even if there are thousands of people doing that, they’ll still earning billions of dollars”

I was actually just giving a common excuse. The main reason was because I use the products and I can’t imagine live without those. Yes, it is not easy to understand the situation until us ourselves trying to feel, find and learn deeper their history, humanity, dignity and even things,rules in our own religion. We can simply say “UN, you’re supposed to play your role, take action and stop the war!” .. “Hey Obama, please intervene in the issue of Palestine!”.. “Why laa they all gathered with all the banners, burning the flags and what not..wasted.. what? They think war will end by doing that??”..ada setengahnya plak ckp.. “stop the war is better than fighting”.. yup there’s nothing wrong with all those opinions.

I was like them and refused to boycott Israeli products; instead I keep on yelling and pointing to others to do something. I was right. Just that when I dig the hole deeper, I choose to boycott than asking this and that.. coz when I boycott, at least I myself do and contribute something to help Muslims who are oppressed. In Holy Quran and Hadith, mentioned that there will never be a peace in the Region until the Day of Resurrection dan akan sentiasa ada segolongan umat Nabi Muhammad saw yang akan bangkit menentang musuh2 Allah. Mereka ini berada di sekitar Baitulmaqdis. Memang jelas tidak akan ada perdamaian, pilihan kita cuma menentang musuh. That’s why Hamas tak nak rundingan damai. Jelas tidak akan berhasil.

UN?? PBB?? Tentera pengaman?? Forget it. Learn history and understand the situation first. Mereka tidak mengiktiraf Palestine di bawah Hamas. Mereka mengiktiraf PLO tetapi pilihanraya terbaru dimenangi Hamas. Bagi mereka, Hamas adalah terrorist. Jadi masihkah kita nak menaruh harapan kepada mereka?? Do you think they’ll listen to you??? Are you going to pick up the phone and give a call to Obama, UN?? And they’ll listen to you?? If yes, by all means please DO! I would be very happy.

Sape cakap berhimpun, berarak sambil mengangkat banner tu tak mendatangkan apa2? I’m not talking politics now I’m talking about Gaza and Palestine. Contoh paling mudah, selepas Mavi Marmara di tawan dan aktivis ditembak mati oleh tentera Israel, hampir seluruh penduduk serata dunia keluar berhimpun beramai-ramai di jalanan dengan sepanduk and so on sebagai menunjukkan ketidakpuasan mereka, membantah dan mengutuk serangan tersebut. Disebabkan itu juga, Israel meredakan sedikit serangan dan penindasan terhadap penduduk Palestine untuk seketika. Memang ia tidak mampu untuk menghentikan peperangan tetapi sekurang-kurangnya ia mampu memberikan tekanan kepada musuh. And this is much better than do nothing but just throwing thoughts..

Bercakap pasal boikot, teringat satu kisah di zaman Nabi Ibrahim AS dimana ketika Nabi Ibrahim dibakar oleh Namrud, ada seekor burung terbang berulang-alik membawa air diparuhnya cuba untuk memadamkan api.Ditanya makhluk lain kenapa nak tolong padam juga wpun tak memberi kesan pd api yg marak? Dijawabnya, sekurang2nya apabila ditanya Allah, burung dah berusaha untuk padam than do nothing.Sama seperti isu boikot, mmg kesannya mungkin miniscule and insignificant tp sekurang2nya apabila ditanya Allah,kita ada jawapannya. Allah swt Maha Mengetahui, mungkin Dia sudah tahu yang akan wujud segolongan manusia dalam situasi seperti ini suatu masa nnt,maka digerakkan hati burung tersebut untuk cuba memadamkan api wpun kesannya amatlah sedikit supaya kisah tersebut dapat dijadikan contoh teladan dan panduan.

It is my responsibility to ask people to do something which can help saudara seagama yg tertindas walau dengan apa cara sekali pun tetapi if you’re not agree please don’t tell something yang boleh membuatkan org lain berhenti untuk membantu saudara seagama mereka yg lain. If you think that you really need to use the product and tak bleh nak boycott, that’s fine. You can always use your own method to help them and fight with them. Don’t ask others to help, ask YOURSELF what YOU can do to help. Ia menjadi tanggungjawab kita untuk membantu saudara seagama yg tertindas.

For some of us, maybe it’s hard to live without a cup of Milo.. but do you know how difficult it is for Palestinians to get a drop of water? We can give thousands of reasons not to boycott, and sometimes these reasons reveal our foolishness and ignorance kepada saudara seagama kita. Petik daripada post saudara saya, “hati yang ikhlas tidak akan mencari alasan sebaliknya berusaha mencari jalan bagaimana untuk membantu.” Tepuk dada tanyalah iman. Wallahua’lam.."

Saya juga tertarik dengan post Aqsa Syarif mengenai issue Palestine ini. Mungkin ada sesuatu yg boleh kita renungkan bersama :

"Isu Palestin:

1-Ada yang berdemo
2-Ada yang boikot
3-Ada yang bantu menyebarkan kesedaran dan kempen

4-Ada yang mengutip derma
5-Ada yang menadah tangan berdoa
6-Ada yang berkuasa, memberi ancaman dan amaran

Tapi ada juga, yang memperlekehkan semua perkara di atas. Isunya, bukan perkara apa yang dibuat, tapi bagaimana sensitifnya hati kita, tersentaknya jiwa apabila saudara kita dianiaya. Sifat
kemanusiaan dalam hati.

Buatlah apa nak dibuat, katalah apa yang nak dikata.

Yang pasti, suatu hari nanti, bila Allah bertanya pada kita,

"Apa yang kamu buat apabila saudara seagamamu dizalimi di Palestin?"

Setiap orang ada jawapan masing-masing. Cuma fikirkan, adakah kita memang punya jawapan sebagai pembela?- AQSA SYARIF "

Fikir-fikirkan wahai teman.. Free your mind and heart and think wisely deeply my friends...

Thursday, November 22, 2012


An Appeal to all Citizens of the World

As citizens of our individual countries, we at times become extremely frustrated by the policies of our governments that we deem unjust. We oftentimes feel powerless to change them as more and more of the governments and the politicians who run them become increasingly subservient to global corporate and banking interests. There is, however, one powerful weapon that if utilized collectively can accomplish far greater positive change than marches, protests and demonstrations. The weapon is the boycott of well targeted products. Mexican-American labor leader Cesar Chavez utilized this weapon with great success against the greedy grape growers of Alta California and managed to win many concessions for the exploited farmworkers. The boycott of grapes would not have been successful, however, if the world community did not support it. Today, as the world community begins to see evidence of the barbaric massacre of Palestinians that took place in Jenin by the Butcher Ariel Sharon and his murderous Zionist Army, one is compelled to just and moral action. Here in Aztlan, we have become extremely frustrated at President George Bush and his inability or unwillingness to stop the horrible slaughter that is occurring in the Holy Land and that may culminate in the genocide of the Palestinian people. We individually have the power of choice to buy one product over another or to simply forgo a purchase entirely. If more and more people around the world do the same, the pressure will become powerful enough to force a positive change. We each can also help by asking our family members and friends to do the same. Below are products and brands of corporations and businesses that are helping Ariel Sharon and Zionist Israel to continue their racist apartheid policies and illegal occupation of Palestinian lands. We are asking you to boycott these products. The products and brands have been well researched. Each of the companies have ties to Israel and support their policies against the Palestinian people. As an example, Estée Lauder's chairman, Ronald Lauder, served as the Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and is the current President of the Jewish National Fund (JNF) - a quasi-governmental agency whose main function is to legitimize Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. Ronald Lauder is a hardcore Zionist and his views are often more extreme then those of the Israeli government.
         Other examples are:
In 1998 Mr. Robert P. Van der Merwe, chairman of Kimberly-Clark Europe received the Jubilee Award by the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. This is the highest tribute ever awarded by the "State of Israel" in recognition of those individuals and organizations, that through their investments and trade relationships, have done the most to strengthen the Israeli economy.
         From 1966 onward Coca-Cola has been a staunch supporter of Israel. Recently the Government
         of Israel Economic Mission honored Coca-Cola at the Israel Trade Award Dinner for its continued
         support of Israel for the last 30 years and for refusing to abide by the Arab League boycott of Israel.
Swiss food giant Nestle will set up a global research and development center for snack foods next year in Sderot, a town in Israel's Negev desert, the Maariv newspaper reported on Sunday. Nestle owns 50.1 percent of Israeli food maker Osem Investments and the two together produce snack foods at a plant in Sderot.
Intel is one of the biggest supporters of Israel. Their very first development center outside the US was opened in Haifa in 1974. Since then they have continued pouring investment in to Israel. By year 2000 they employed over 4000 Israelis. Exports from their Lachish-Qiryat Gat plant in israel total $3 million a day at peak capacity - approximately $ 1 billion a year. The Intel plant at "Qiryat Gat" is built on land Israel confiscated from the Palestinian villages of Iraq al Manshiya. Iraq al Manshiya was a village of 2000 people living in 300 houses with two mosques and one school. The original Palestinian inhabitants were terrorized out of the village and then the whole village was razed to the ground to prepare the way for the new Israeli settlement of Qiryat Gat. Today the remaining population from Iraq al Manshiya is still not allowed to return.
In 1998, Mr. Lucien Nessim of Sara Lee Personal Products received the Jubilee Award by the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. This is the highest tribute ever awarded by the "State of Israel" in recognition of those individuals and organizations, that through their investments and trade relationships, have done the most to strengthen the Israeli economy
The Disney Company is owned by Jewish Mogul Michael Eisner. He owns a vast media empire that includes the ABC television network, numerous news dailies, national magazines, Hollywood film companies and a large number of radio stations. One radio station in Los Angeles, KABC 790 AM recently broadcast comments by Jewess Gloria Alred to the effect that the Islamic prisoners at Guantanamo should be tortured by having their "balls" extracted with pliers in order to make them talk. The news and commentaries made through Michael Eisner's media octopus are extremely Islamophobic and anti-Palestinian.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Souvenir Printing Works

Hello again!

Please everybody let's visit my facebook page and "like" it to show your support and who knows you might looking for one in future :-)

Here you go :

I'm running a t-shirt and souvenir printing business starting on April 2012. I really appreciate your support and i'm most welcoming orders from anybody. I can guarantee that you will satisfy with our products and enjoy the price. You will not get any cheaper price with high quality souvenirs than our price in the market.

Please also visit my business blogspot : and appreciate if you can be my follower :-)

Thank you everyone!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Budget 2013..Excuse me,what's that??

Last week,Malaysia government has announced and presented the 2013 budget which has triggered colors of responses among its people. Some says it is the best budget ever, some says it is the worst in history and some says it's giving benefit to only a group of people..

It became headlines in most of the Malaysia newspapers for few days, people were keep arguing about it on streets and facebook were flooded with this kinda status..everything about 2013 Budget..

Me?? I never think or talk about it. Why?? None of the budget plan is for me!So why should i bother?!
All i know is they take my money every month every year but i never get any benefit out of them. They even ask me to work longer,extend the pension and what not so that they can take more and more money from great!haha..

Government servants will give them applause because of what they call it "big bonus" which is 1.5 month salary. Those who qualified to get BR1M 2 will also smile to ears thinking of the RM500 cash on hands. I'm happy for them but where the money comes from?? As far i know, the average monthly income for government servants are not high,no matter what position they're holding they still have "ceiling" and the ceiling is to me..quite low even they're doctors or professors. Government knows this and therefore they just take out few ringgits(about RM50) every month from the salary as monthly tax. For private sector, starting from company, profit until workers..we have to pay tax and the tax is much higher compare to government servants! Private workers normally earn higher compared to government servants. But this can't be a measure for them to earn money..what's worst, at the end they never think of our needs! We are always kept aside in budget plan.This is nonsense!

When the government staffs get bonus, they get all but when we get bonus, government will take almost half from us. Yes you are right when saying that.. "it's ok la man..u got 5mths bonus maa..they just 'bite' a bit only..still lot more with u maa.." hahaha...funny! Hello brother,not about more or less,it's about rights! If u think u have right on your bonus, so do i. Your bonus is given by government which has been taken from our monthly and yearly taxes! That's your portion in budget plan..while for us, none!

Besides, they think they're being honor enuf to give voucher RM200 for those with income below RM3000 to buy iPhone/iPad kinda things. How stupid these people are.. Do you think those with below RM3000 will buy this kinda phones/gadget??? I don't think so! One iPhone will cost you more than RM1500 at least. Voucher is only RM200. So they have to spend RM1200 to buy a phone. Balance RM1800 for housing loan,car loan,grocceries,babies needs,electricity and so on. End up, government will actually sell the "generosity" in newspapers and village/old folks but actually they "eat" the money for their own goods.

Hmm..that's why when people ask me about 2013 Budget..i said...

Excuse me, whats's that???

Asta la vista!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Episod luka Balqis..

Hari isnin baru ni, Balqis jatuh dalam toilet. Licin..
Dia memang suka mandi,pantang tengok mummy or bibik dia masuk toilet dia pun mesti nak masuk. Mandi dan berendam dlm bath tub adik dia. So happen that after dinner,bibik baru lepas siap kemas2 meja and nak mandi.. Balqis yang tengah khusyuk main kat depan tv ni terus berlari ke toilet. Diketuk2nya pintu toilet kuat2 sampai bibik bukak. Dah puas berendam dalam bath tub baby tu,dia pun kuar tunggu depan pintu toilet. Bibik pusing nak amik air smayang. Tanpa disedari, Balqis berlari masuk balik dlm toilet. Haa...time tu la.. pshiuuuukkkk...gedepop! jatuh! kepala terantuk kat curve pintu toilet.Tajam ler.. Aku yang tengah pangku Sarah kat luar ni, terus letak dan berlari ke dapur bila dengar dia menangis. Dia ni jenis tak mudah menangis kalau jatuh ke pe..menangis tu means mmg sakit la tu.

Aku tengok bibik tengah gosok2 kepala sambil pujuk2 dia. Tengok je aku masuk dapur, dia terus tunjuk isyarat tangan "NO". Tak bagi aku sentuh kepala dia. Tapi aku paksa nak tengok jugak. Memula tak perasan luka and darah. Tetiba ternampak warna merah kat belakang badan dalam sepanjang 3 atau 4cm. Igtkan ichy ke pe,skali dia menitik-nitik. Aku terus dapatkan Balqis and paksa tengok lagi skali kepala dia. Allahuakbar!! kepala berdarah! Aku terus angkat dia ke depan,tunjuk kat daddy dia. Takde bende lain dah dlm kepala aku selain dari bawak dia ke hospital!

Malam tu jugak aku call ING mintak bagi GL ke Ampang Puteri. Bila doktor cuci, nampak la luka dia yg sbenar. Luka tak dalam dan tak panjang, dalam 1cm je.So tak perlu jahit. Cuma letak medical gum je. Tak boleh kena air for 3days and don't let her scratch. Normally when it's about to heal, dia akan rasa ich. So make sure dia tak scratch. Haih.. scratch tu maybe ok la tp yg xleh kena air tu jenuh plak la nak berkonfrantasi ngn dia nanti.

Minggu sebelum tu jatuh kat tangga. pipi bawah mata kiri terantuk kat bucu tangga. Lebam biru kat situ ada lagi berbaki, dahhhh kena yg ni plak. Nasib baik doktor tak kata penderaan.Adoii la..

Ones' are right, 3yrs old is the year of surprises!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Balqis @ 2years 10months

@ 2years and 10months, Balqis has already known numbers from 1 to 50. I'll continue to teach her untill hundreds when she turned 3. @ this age, she can also read simple mathematic, even she may not know the calculation but at least i introduce her to the mathematical reading first. Then after that i will teach her logic calculation if she able to catch up.

Thank you Allah for giving me this brilliant child with awesome mind. I will keep on praying for her to be a good muslimah and of course a responsible daughter when she grows up. InsyaAllah..ameen..

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Fun Dialogue with Balqis

Dialogue 1
Balqis : wer we going?
Mummy : we're going to Malacca for a wedding ceremony,then we go buy slide.After dat,we go back home.

After the event...
Balqis : wer we going?
Mummy : we're going home
Balqis : no mummy.we @#%&*/-(aku pun x fhm pe dia ckp) slides
Mummy : owh u want a slide?
Balqis then shaking her head yes and smile..

I dont want my kids to lie me so i shouldn't lie to them either. I made a promise so i hv to fulfil it. Here ur slide,balqis :-)

Dialogue 2
Balqis : Kelesak kelesak hoviee~~ sing the song mummy
Mummy : kelesak kelesak hoviee~~ what song is that?
Balqis : clock song
Mummy : (confuse..blurr..but keep on singing the song..)

Dialogue 3
Yesterday evening...
Mummy : Why r u leaning on me Balqis? Can u sit properly?
Balqis : I'm tired.

The night before..
Mummy and daddy were playing with Balqis..
Mummy : Careful Balqis, i have baby in my tummy.
Balqis : baby in tummy..(showing her tummy)
Mummy : Yes. Do you want a baby?
Balqis shaking her head yes.
Mummy : You want a baby boy or baby girl?
Balqis : Baby girl.
(Daddy's laughing..)
Mummy : Ok let me ask again. You want a baby girl or baby boy?
Balqis : (ponder for seconds) Baby boy.
Mummy : Owh no, i cannot give u both at one time. It's either girl or boy.
Balqis smile..

Dialogue 4

From inside the car...
balqis: what's that? (pointing to something.there's a house, a tree, car's window,etc..)
mummy : which one?
balqis : what's that? (still pointing to the same direction)
mummy : (guessing...) that's gate.
balqis : no. it's lamp.
(lerr...tunjuk kat lampu atas pagar rupanya.. dah tau nape tanya lagi..budak bertuah!)

Dlm sehari if i'm at home, ada la dekat 100kali kena jawab soalan dia "what's that?"..klu nak pegi mana2 plak, xleh betau awal2.klu x, slagi blm sampai tempat tu slagi tu la dia dok tya "wer we going?"..kdg2 can boil me up la but wat to do,she's learning..huhu. Neway, i want my kids to answer me whenever i ask them something. So i have to answer them either.. :)

Dialogue 5
Yesterday evening..
Mummy : Balqis, i have baby in my tummy (look at Balqis and smile)
Balqis : No. (Shaking her head NO)
Mummy : Yes, i have baby in my tummy. Remember?
Balqis : No, don't want! (her face was like she wanted to cry)
Mummy : Ok2.. ( owh no..was she changed her mind?? last time said want a baby girl..)

Dialogue 6
one day when Balqis was watching tv with her daddy..
Balqis : What's that? ( pointing to tv )
Daddy : That's TV.
Balqis : No. It's tree ( oo..she's referring to the tree in tv..then she asked again) What's that?
Daddy : (so many thing shown in the tv.just guess..) that's house.
Balqis : No. It's TV..
HAHAHA...adoiiii la..

Dialogue 7

Yesterday dusk..after coming back from office..
Mummy : haihh..(terbaring kepenatan)
Balqis : Daddy, mummy's tired..mummy has baby in tummy
Mummy : haha..abg, maybe she wanted to say "daddy,mummy's tired because mummy has baby in the tummy"..tertinggal kata penghubung.
Daddy : aah..hehehe...
Mummy : Balqis, i want shower but i'm tired..
Balqis : Mummy,go shower! (Balqis came and pull my both hands just like she's helping me to stand up)

What a wonderful girl i have.Alhamdulillah..Thank you Allah.. :-)
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